Saturday, 27 November 2010

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-20

  • Installed iOS 4.2.1 GM for iPad and iPhone 3GS. It all looks very good. #fb #

  • AirPrint looks like it'll come in handy. I found instructions on enabling it for Windows shared printers here: #fb #

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-13

  • Blade Runner is available on BBC iPlayer :-) #fb #

  • Just got a Seskimo StickUp ( iPad stand. I have had the Seskimo Crabble iPhone stand for a while. Both excellent. #fb #

  • Thank goodness for 3G. Virgin Media has been down (except for about 30 minutes) since I got home. I very nearly had Internet withdrawal. #fb #

  • Just installed iOS 4.2 GM2 on my iPad. An evening of geeking with my iPad and new Apple TV ahead :-) #fb #

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-06

  • The cats are driving me mad. Whenever a firework goes off they get excited and charge up to the window to watch. It's not normal. #fb #

  • For the brave: install iOS 4.2 on your iPad today ( Make sure you have backups first though... #fb #

  • I am looking into the Scrum methodology. Well worth considering if you're in, or will be in, a small agile software development team. #fb #